Aquamarine Stone


Aquamarine is a beryl stone is usually a light, almost watery-blue colored gemstone. Its name means splendor os the sea. Aquamarine has a rich history with many ancient cultures including Greeks,Romans Sumerians and Egyptians.This stone was used to aid sailors and to make enemies into friends. It has also been said that Aquamarine helps with differences in a relationship and evokes lasting marriages.

Where is Aquamarine Found?

Aquamarine is mainly found in Africa and Brazil, however, the March birthstone can also be mined in Australia, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Madagascar, Russia, USA and Sri Lanka. In the 1950s, a famous and historically-significant deposit of aquamarine was found in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the gemstones recovered became known as Santa Maria Aquamarines. Many gemstones from this location are highly-prized for their unusually deep blue tone. Today, you may come across the term 'Santa Maria' used to describe a particularly lovely blue colour aquamarine.

Perhaps the most famous aquamarine specimen is the 10,363 ct Dom Pedro, which weighs an astonishing 26 kg. To this day, it holds the title of being the largest piece of aquamarine ever to be cut. It was specialists in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, who took on the challenge in 1992.

The Dom Pedro first went on public display in 1993 in Basel, Switzerland. Some years later, it was destined to be cut into many smaller stones, but it was rescued by Jane Mitchell, who generously donated the Dom Pedro to the Smithsonian National Museum of History in Washington DC, USA.


What Are The Benefits Of Wearing An Aquamarine Stone?

Aquamarine stones have numerous benefits other than simply helping to boost one’s confidence. The stone’s colour lends itself to a sense of harmony and joy. It can bring its wearer energy and a sense of playfulness.

The aquamarine crystal is thought to help wearers better and more holistically heal from emotional trauma through cooling tempers and conflict.

Other benefits of wearing aquamarine include stress relief, helping suppressed emotions resurface and instilling a sense of peace. It has long been thought that when wearing aquamarine jewellery, one can reap the benefits of a clear-thinking mind, as well as a calm heart through challenging times.

There are many benefits to wearing aquamarine crystals. Of course, the biggest and more superficial benefit is the ability to wear it and complement any spring or summer outfit!



Where Does Aquamarine Come From?

For several years, it was believed that the most valuable aquamarine stones were only found in Brazil and other parts of South America. However, these days the stone is mined all over the world, on almost every continent. Just some of the countries where you’ll find it naturally occurring are Kenya, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Tanzania, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Russia.


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